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Why is quartz stone afraid of heat?

Date:2019-09-26 15:49:33  Hits:695 
The first impression of quartz stone is the countertop surface material. With the increase of research and development technology and the continuous improvement of the production equipment and technology of quartz stone manufacturers, quartz stone is no longer limited to the countertop.  Quartz stone is currently used in the entire renovation, such as the floor, wall, shape and furniture.  Quartz stone is so loved by the decoration industry and designers. The quartz stone plate is characterized by wear resistance, scratch resistance, high temperature resistance, penetration resistance, non-toxicity and no radiation. It belongs to green decorative stone, but the only one is not recognized by everyone.  The price of quartz stone is slightly higher than other decorative plates!

Quartz stone also has some problems in home use, such as scratches, whitening on both sides of the joint, bleeding, discoloration, and the most serious is bursting.  The location of the crack will appear on the edge of the sheet, the seam and the perimeter of the opening, usually due to cracking after contact with hot objects.  Many merchants will mark the quartz stone plate heat-resistant temperature of 300 °, but the quartz stone products we use will be processed in the middle, which may cause certain damage to the plate during the processing, and the other is not paying attention to maintenance or  Cracking of the board caused by improper use!  Let's take a look at why quartz stone is afraid of heat!

Quartz stone sheet is a super hard and environmentally friendly composite artificial stone produced by the world's most advanced technology.  It is synthesized from 7% resin and other additives. Its product performance is excellent, and it has many advantages that are not available in common artificial stone: high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, no breakage, no oil leakage.  In direct contact with the heat container during use, some of the heat is unevenly distributed, or the water is directly used to cool down after the hot melter is removed, so that the hot and cold intersection of the plates causes the table top to heat up and shrink.  Due to local sudden heat, such as when the table top is installed, no expansion joints are reserved, fine cracks appear in the processing, or there is a heavy blow in use. If the above problems occur, the plate is prone to cracks or containers after high temperature.  The bottom mark is discolored.  Therefore, in the use should avoid direct contact with the heat container, should use insulation pad!